About LOT Distribution Ltd

LOT Distribution Ltd was founded on the success of Laser On Tour Ltd, the world’s first mobile laser hair removal franchise. Our journey began with a strong partnership between Milesman and Laser On Tour, driven by a shared passion for creating portable, high-powered, medical-grade aesthetic devices and lasers.

Our mission is to develop compact and innovative systems that enable treatments to be performed at home, on the go, from site to site, or room to room, reflecting the current trend among professionals who prefer flexibility over a fixed location. A compact device allows for easy movement from room to room in a clinic, helping to grow your business efficiently without the need to pay rent for storing equipment or maintaining multiple devices across several premises.

Milesman brings over 30 years of experience in manufacturing medical-grade lasers and aesthetic devices, operating in over 40 countries. They have sold more than 10,000 devices and have treated over 1 million people. Laser On Tour, with its pioneering home-visiting laser hair removal franchise and mobile training course, has revolutionised the market by making professional laser treatments safe at home, convenient for clients and more profitable for the practitioner.

We pride ourselves on the German and Spanish engineering that ensures our devices are of the highest quality and reliability. Our commitment to excellent service means minimal downtime through efficient servicing provided by LOT Distribution Ltd.

With five years in business, Laser On Tour has built a trusted brand, and we aim to replicate this success with LOT Distribution by offering unparalleled support, training, and service. Experience the future of mobile aesthetic treatments with incredible compact devices from LOT Distribution.

  • Milesman Compact

    Compact uses the latest Diode Laser Hair Removal technology, providing medical grade treatments in a portable platform.

    Go to Milesman Compact
  • Milesman Compact Blend

    The only laser which fully and effectively treats all possible combinations of hair colour, thickness and depth

    Go to Milesman Compact Blend
  • Milesman Blauman

    Blauman uses Blue Laser Technology to remove skin lesions & imperfections including nevi, seborrheic keratosis & age spots.

    Go to Milesman Blauman
  • Vossman

    Vossman uses Radio Frequency for physiotherapy & aesthetic treatments including collagen stimulation & muscular injuries.

    Go to Vossman

Meet our founders

Neda Khodaie Namin

Co-Founder: With 10 years of experience in laser treatments, Neda founded Laser On Tour and has been instrumental in its success. She has pioneered the training methods adopted by Milesman globally, gaining hundreds of 5-star reviews and satisfied clients. Neda is here to assist all our customers who buy a device, answering any questions about technique and training.

Sacha Bright

Co-Founder: Sacha Bright, a serial entrepreneur, has launched various enterprises, including an equity crowdfunding site and a food delivery service competing with Uber & Deliveroo. He invented LOT Franchise Ltd. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sacha aims to help clinic owners work smart by providing a device capable of operating on a fixed site, going mobile, or easily moving from room to room. These devices do not dominate your space and offer the flexibility to go mobile if desired.  Going mobile allows you to scale with no overheads and unlimited treatment rooms.

Sacha also handles the commercial aspects to support our clients.

Milesman are rated:

9.7/10 - Excellent

Based on 203 reviews
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UK Compliance for the 450 Blauman